I’ve come up with a list of the most common spouse traps (ah-hum… excuses) I’ve seen since the beginning of the year. Here are a few ways to dodge them.
My spouse/partner does all the shopping/cooking.
I’m starting out with a little tough love here. This is the most common trap I’ve seen and frankly there are so many things you can do help yourself out.
- Give your spouse your own list of foods that you want from the grocery store.
- Let your partner know about the new eating habits you’ve started so he/she can plan meals accordingly.
- Cook together for the first few rounds.
My spouse/partner doesn’t want to eat healthy.
Ah, yes. This one. You can’t force feed your partner (even though we wish we could). I went through something like this with my husband. I don’t have time to prepare two meals every night for us. So I told him he could eat what I eat or make his own. He was gorging my shrimp vegetable gnocchi the very next night. Muahaaa.
My spouse/partner isn’t interested in exercising more.
- Exercise during the day (on-site fitness class, lunch break, etc.)
- Perform Salus' 15-minute video workouts on your break (we release one every week!)
My spouse/partner loves TV time.
- Let your partner's TV time turn into your exercise time.
I hope this helps!
These area great!