
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spouse/Partner Trap

There comes a time when many of us have this “AH-HA!” moment in deciding to make healthier lifestyle choices. Whether it is exercising more, eating healthier foods, watching less TV- you name it. But what happens when your spouse/partner isn’t on board? Do you give up and give in? Do you forget about the things you know are important? Of course not. 

I’ve come up with a list of the most common spouse traps (ah-hum… excuses) I’ve seen since the beginning of the year. Here are a few ways to dodge them.

My spouse/partner does all the shopping/cooking.
I’m starting out with a little tough love here. This is the most common trap I’ve seen and frankly there are so many things you can do help yourself out.
  • Give your spouse your own list of foods that you want from the grocery store. 
  • Let your partner know about the new eating habits you’ve started so he/she can plan meals accordingly. 
  • Cook together for the first few rounds.

My spouse/partner doesn’t want to eat healthy.

Ah, yes. This one. You can’t force feed your partner (even though we wish we could). I went through something like this with my husband. I don’t have time to prepare two meals every night for us. So I told him he could eat what I eat or make his own. He was gorging my shrimp vegetable gnocchi the very next night. Muahaaa.

My spouse/partner isn’t interested in exercising more.
  • Exercise during the day (on-site fitness class, lunch break, etc.)
  • Perform Salus' 15-minute video workouts on your break (we release one every week!)

My spouse/partner loves TV time.
  • Let your partner's TV time turn into your exercise time.
Relationships require compromise.  If there is one thing that is worth taking the time to come to an agreement about, it is health and wellbeing.

I hope this helps! 

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