
Monday, May 12, 2014

Digestive Health

By Coach Maria - Salus Nutritionist & Food Expert

You may or may not know this, but your health is directly dependent on your digestive health.  If your digestive system is not working properly, the food is not being broken down efficiently, your nutrients are not being absorbed and your body simply does not function or fight off infection as it should.

Your body has tell-tale signs that tell you something's not right and you need to pay attention to those signs in order to fix them.

Did you know that 70-80% of your immune system lies in your gut?  If your digestion is off, this can manifest itself in the form of seasonal allergies to full blown autoimmune conditions.

How do you know if your digestion is not functioning properly?  Check any of the symptoms below to see how many are currently on your list.
  • difficulty losing weight
  • indigestion or heartburn
  • constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating or irregular bowel movements
  • allergies
  • skin issues (dry, flaky, itchy, eczema, psoriasis, acne, dandruff)
  • undigested food in your poop (i.e., whole food pieces)
  • feeling sleepy after eating
  • migraines
  • lots of burping
Those are just a few of the issues that are associated with a poorly functioning digestive system.  Fortunately, there are things you can do that do not require a trip to the doctor's office.

  1. Slow Down
That's right.  Slow down before you start eating instead of rushing head first into that plate of food. Calm down and relax - mealtime should be downtime.

     2.  Sit Down

Something as simple as sitting down at the dinner table (not in a car, not in front of the tv) can have a big impact on digestion.  Walking around or even standing can interrupt proper digestion.  By sitting down at the table, your brain can give cues to the body to begin the digestive process.  Before your fork touches your mouth, this process begins when you're in a relaxed, eating state.

     3.  Chew Your Food - Thoroughly

We all know this, but we don't always chew our food thoroughly.  The best thing you can do for your digestion, is to help break down the food before it hits the digestive track.  The more you chew your food, the easier it will be to digest.

    4.   Consume Bone Broth

Provide your body and your gut with the most healing of foods.  Bone broth contains vital nutrients that are not often consumed in our day to day nutrition.  It is liquid gold to the gut.

    5.  Probiotics

Consuming foods that are loaded with probiotics, promote healthy bacteria - an essential for gut health!  Fermented foods like sauerkraut or kimchi are easy to make, you can find kid-friendly recipes here and other recipes here.  Taking a probiotic supplement can be helpful as well, but this is best done under the guidance of a holistic or naturopathic practitioner.  Two supplements that I have used with results are here and here (be aware that we are all different and supplements may have differing results with different people).

    6.  Minimize Gut Irritants

The following foods are irritants to the gut and can be major contributors to leaky gut.
  • Processed and refined foods
  • Alcohol
  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Refined seed oils
  • Sugar
  • Coffee
If you are currently experiencing digestion issues or symptoms, make an effort to follow these steps to see if your digestion and/or symptoms improve.

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