
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tips For Work

Sometimes no matter how much you love your job it can feel like a drag.  There are moments when we lack motivation, feel uninspired and would rather lay in our PJs watching Netflix than show up for our 8-5.  Here are a few tips to help you when you just aren't feeling it.

1. Before you check email, get something done: 
Starting your day with emails will suck you dry. Try doing something you are excited about first. Or do something that is more productive than responding to someone else. Work on your PowerPoint, Excel model, or organize your to-do list- just do something that makes you feel like you are working toward a goal.

2. Make your space less boring: 
Buy a plant, place some color, have your favorite notebooks and pens around- whatever floats your boat. I have pictures of my family and dream vacations on my desk. (By the way, this is for guys too; you know what you like.) Turn your workspace into something you enjoy.

3. Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as possible. 
This came after number one on purpose. Once you start your day with something that energizes you, don’t procrastinate the unpleasant stuff. Procrastinating just makes it harder; getting these things done gives a big boost of relieved energy.

4. Go outside at least once a day, and if possible, take a walk.
The sunlight and activity is good for your focus, mood, and retention of information

We are lucky enough to have a job, a paying wage, co-worker friends, a way to support your life and perhaps other people’s lives. While it may not be your ideal of the ideal- you aren’t unemployed. That is something to be happy about on it’s own.

Cheers to that.

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