Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tricks For The Grill

I don’t pretend to be a master griller. I’m actually the farthest thing from it. So when Salus asked me to write a blog about the best tricks for the grill I knew I would have to do some research. 

If there is one “master griller” out there, it’s Scott Roberts. This guy has been studying the art of grilling for over 25 years and is awarded year after year with the BBQ choice award.
Here are Scott’s top tips for the grill:
  • Wash everything after handling raw meat, and don’t reuse the plate that you used for uncooked meat. (I would hope this is common sense, but I think a lot of people miss this one)
  • Don’t leave the meat out in room temperature for longer than one hour. This will make bacteria grow at an exponential rate, plus it will make the meat less fresh. If you need to thaw out meat, do so overnight or all day in the refrigerator. 
  • Quick and easy way to grill large vegetables such as potatoes and ears of corn: coat in olive oil, sprinkle on some seasoned salt, wrap securely in aluminum foil, and throw it on the grill.
  • Don’t add any salt until the meat is cooked to prevent it from getting dry and tough, as the salt will draw away moisture.
  • Cooking chicken? If you intend to eat the skin, rub the outside with a little butter or oil and then lightly season it. It’ll give the chicken a nice, crispy, savory skin. Not eating the skin? Don’t season the outside, as it can’t penetrate the skin.
  • Leaner steak cuts possess more flavor but will be a little tougher if cooked past medium.
  • Don’t pierce your meat with a fork or prongs. The juices will escape, making the meat drier and less flavorful. Use a spatula or tongs to move and flip your food.

I’m going to put these tips to use for my BBQ this weekend, I hope this helps!

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