
Monday, December 26, 2011

Pomegranate Powerhouse

By:  Maria

Right now, pomegranates can be found in supermarkets and farmers markets. I love the festive, beautiful bright red seeds - when adding pomegranate seeds to any dish, they make the dish look amazing; plus, they are delicious as well!
Did you know that the marvelous pomegranate protects against arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, diarrhea, and dental plaque? That's not all, it also has twice as many antioxidants as green tea, helps improve digestion, contains 40% of your daily dose of immune-boosting vitamin C, helps wounds to heal faster, and has even been considered a natural aphrodisiac throughout the ages.
Its deep cavities full of juicy seeds can be intimidating and quite messy, but pomegranate seeds are actually easy to remove neatly when done under water. Cut open your pomegranate and remove the seeds in a bowl of cold water. Use the seeds whole or juice them for a delicious drink.
There are many tasty nutritive applications for the pomegranate. Their sweet/tart flavor can be paired with an amazing variety of foods from meat dishes to salads to desserts. Drop seeds in sparkling beverages for color and flavor. Sprinkle on salads and other savory dishes, or on desserts such as ice cream or frosted cupcakes. Make jelly, sauces, dressings, marinades, and glazes. Add pomegranate seeds and/or juice to your any dough/batter when making baked goods. They’re great in pancakes, too!
How do you remove the bright pink stains from your hands after de-seeding your pomegranate? Use lemon juice and salt, then wash with soap. Easy!

This flavorsome and nutritious food is in season, not to mention aptly colored for the holidays. Stock up and see what creations you can come up with!

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