By: Maria
A frequent question I hear is; "Which fruit is better?".
It's a loaded question and the answer is quite complex when given the many variables that are attached to that question.
Typically, that question is followed by my questions like; "Are you trying to lose weight...Are you an athlete concerned with performance and/or recovery....Are you dealing with a health issue...?"
Making a decision based on overall health, regardless of current goals/priorities seems a reasonable approach when deciding which fruit is "best".
Fruit should have a positive impact on our health by 1.) Minimizing fructose and 2.) Minimize sugar.
Below is a chart that plots fruit in terms of their fructose/sugar percentages. If we keep our fruit choices 1.) Seasonal and 2.) Low in fructose, you will be minimizing sugar loads and getting the most out of nutritional values.
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