By Coach Maria - Salus Nutritionist & Food Expert
The brief stories that accompany each individual are
real. Each person decided to make a change in their nutrition that required some level of commitment. That commitment; whether forced by some health issue or chosen due to personal life circumstances, elicited amazing results and lifelong changes in nutrition lifestyle that have had a huge impact on quality of life.
Making a commitment to improve our health is not always easy - we are busy, we have demanding work/home/family schedules that will give us all types of reasons NOT to maintain or even begin that commitment.
But I'm here to tell you that YOU ARE WORTH IT!
The commitment can be as easy as deciding not to drink soda during the weekdays or deciding to prepare and bring your lunch to work each day instead of going out to eat. For those looking for more of a challenge (which will result in faster results), it could mean no sugar or processed foods for 30 days or 30 days worth of homemade meals (there are
plenty in this blog to choose from!).
I can tell you that by following the recipes here in this blog for all your meals, you can have the same type of results that the individuals highlighted in this post have had and you can see results as quickly as 2 weeks and, for certain, by 30 days.
Make a commitment -
any commitment - to improve one area of your nutrition that is lacking. Start now! Improved health, a change in body composition and more energy are at your fingertips!!
"In the first four months (eliminating grains, processed foods, dairy, sugar and eating REAL food) I went from 185 pounds and size 14 to 145 pounds and a size 6, without much exercise at all - and without the obsessive diet brain. My skin was softer with a more even tone and fewer wrinkles. My hair was softer, ...growing in stronger than ever....My weight began to shift again. I built muscle, lost inches, and dropped fat. A year and a half later, I’m down to a fit size 2. I lift weights and do high impact intensive training 2-3 times a week, and really enjoy pushing myself to be stronger and have more stamina. My mood and focus are fantastic!” ~ Kellie
“Over the last few years things began to weigh heavily on me. A mixture of fatigue, stress, and an overall lack of wellness mentally and physically made it harder to get through the day...I must admit I was very skeptical about the “dangers...” of cereal and whole grains…After all, this really flew in the face of my previous understanding of a well balanced diet, consisting of nine to 11 servings a day of grains, coupled with minimal fat. …After about a week or two...eating real food..., all cravings for things sweet, starchy, cereal-y, and grainy were all gone…I have NEVER felt better. I hope that others will come to reap the benefits from this way of life as well. It has been a godsend for me, and many others I have come to know.” ~ Aaron

"I was called in for a private meeting with my doctor, who explained, holding my hand, that I had MS, Multiple Sclerosis. I left that office with a pile of papers with prescriptions for several different drugs and a cocktail of 6 antidepressants and a prognosis of maximum 10 years until a lifetime spent in a wheelchair…I never took the drugs. Not one of them…I ditched all grains in 2003 – and everything else that might promote inflammation: processed foods, low-fat processed dairy, nuts, seeds, seed oils, fructose, and nightshades…I have been lesion-free for the last seven years. And I can safely say that my future will not be spent in a wheelchair.” ~ Eve
“My journey towards finding this[real food] lifestyle started 6 years ago in 2006. I was 39 years old, 195 pounds, with over 50% body fat. I was having severe pounding headaches, had some difficulty breathing on exertion, was tired all the time, ...and experiencing gastric reflux at night…
I began to experience a slight on and off pinching sensation in the area of my heart, I realized something was wrong, and went to a cardiologist...He put me on several medications: Captopril, Diovan HCT, and Toprol XL. He was very straightforward and told me that he could already tell, without the results of tests he was planning on scheduling, that I was very sick and if I wanted to see my three little girls grow up, that I needed to make a change immediately…
My cardiologist informed me that I did suffer some permanent damage to my heart. And then he said it – Congestive Heart Failure…
…[My trainer] recommended I try [ditching processed foods, grains, sugar] during an 8-week fat-loss competition the gym was running. I trusted him implicitly and I gave it a try…after 8 weeks, my rippled tummy was gone!…
A few months later, I went to have more blood work done, and was excited to tell my doctor of my new lifestyle. He cringed when he heard how many eggs and portions of red meat I was eating. But when my results came back he said, “I can’t tell you to stop what you are doing, because whatever it is, it’s working.” My cholesterol had dropped to 126mg/dl, my blood pressure was 110/68mmHg, my triglycerides and LDLs were way down, and HDLs were elevated…” ~ Lisa
"In September 2011, I was diagnosed me with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). I was told that IPF is a disease where the lungs scar and stiffen. I was told that when that lung tissue dies, it doesn’t grow back, it is gone for good. I was told that the best hope for people with IPF is commonly thought to be a lung transplant and there is no treatment on the near or far horizon. Once diagnosed the typical patient lives three to five years but many die sooner or live longer...
Having learned that IPF is an autoimmune disease, I began doing research on ways to stop the progression of IPF through an autoimmune dietary protocol...
I eliminated all wheat, gluten, and lactose from my diet and added good fats, lean mean, and lots of vegetables. No sugar or processed foods, but I do drink wine...
Shortly after I made the IPF stabilized (which is as good as it gets). It has now been under control for over nine months. I was previously on medication for high cholesterol (statins), acid reflux (Nexium), and depression (Wellbutrin). After a mere two months of this new eating lifestyle, I was able to stop all of the medications and have watched my stats improve drug free. My PF stats, which measure your lung function, have actually improved which is unheard of in a PF patient. I attribute that to diet, exercise, and stress reduction" - Bill